Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Childhood Memories

When I was in kindergarten, I remember that my classroom was in the form of a hut, separated from the main building. It was decorated with colorful characters, numbers, murals; painted in vibrant colors that were exciting. Those tiny chairs in red, blue, yellow and green gave us choices to make each day. I never sat at the same place for more than four hours. The cupboards were full of paper of various textures, crayons, tiny decorative items, pasting liquids and a handful of books for us.

There were pegs to hang our bags and bottles. To this, I remember that I possessed that bag I used for the next six years. It was a cute little one in the shape of a face, black in color with yellow eyes and red lips. Contradicting to the pampering I got once I entered school and uptil now at some rare occasions, I was never once dropped to kindergarten by my father. I used to travel by the school bus, which in my conscious memories used to drop me outside a Church on the main road.

The walk back home, in the glaring sun of the summers, and the same warmth of the winters, was enjoyable, as on the way I would confront new experiences each day. My grandfather would be waiting for me eagerly near the Church to escort me back home. Sometimes, he would redivert his route to take me to the market as he wanted my inquisitiveness to keep growing. Not everyday, but whenever I went to the market with him, I was always discovering things I had not even dreamt of confronting until being old enough.

- Mrinalini


There's no first or second memory...I had a roller-coaster life at my school. I was and am in complete love with my school- Happy School. All who know often make fun of what kind of a name it is...but certainly it was in its name...I was HAPPY there. Something I remember of the earliest days at school is playing in the free-play ground with sand, swinging, sliding and running and all of it.

I especially remember how all of us would have to wear the white uniform we had, but the one's who had their birthdays were allowed to be dressed in the 'FANCY DRESS'(as it was always said). The birthday girl/boy became the center of attraction for everyone and during the free-play time.. I would run smiling after that special person throughout. The trend of not wearing uniforms ended soon- as in by class 4th. As a grown up I would watch the tiny tots doing the same...running all around after the birthday girl/boy during the free-play as if its a jewel bringing fancy and shine to yourself too...

having uniforms certainly create monotony and boredom but in another way it keeps the opportunity for variations open that bring about so much smile and HAPPY-ness..

- Ruchi

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Teacher Says - 'You're the Best'

My teacher always tells me that I am the best,
She helps me to just progress and leave the rest.
She helped me find, friends like me,
She made everyone love, the crippled me.
When I was slow learner, she held my hand,
Among high achievers, she made me stand.
When I couldn't speak, she made me shout,
She helped my shyness to just blow out.
When I couldn't see, she taught me Braille,
It was nothing, but her motivation that made me sail.
It is her love, that in me, has always manifest,
Truly I can say, my teacher, "You are the best" !

- Meeta

My School Days i think of my first school, the first thing that strikes is the name "moon light public school".a peculiar name, which i still remeber made me feel awkward to specify, in my later schooling years.. Next, as i rush through my vague memories, i realize that i still remeber my teacher's face, probably because she loved me the most in the class(atleast i wish to believe that and be happy with it!!)
apart from this, the most important thing that can't be washed out of my memories is the following incident: it was the janmashtmi celebrations. and we all were made to dress as krishnajis and radhajis..ofcourse with appropriate gender tags..neway, and this boy named rahul, just happened to pull the already huge earings i had in my right my mum got them pierced at a very young age..This ruthless, irritating and havoc creating chap teased me and pulled the right earing down, leading to a severe cut, followed by heavy bleeding. i immediately rushed to my teacher and then parents were called and the other obvious things followed..Here, i would also like to mention that rahul's parents made him follow me, even to the elementary school, and we happened to be in the same class till 8th standard! All i can say is, my Life has given me many reasons to enjoy all the world's irritations!!
If asked today, i still have obscure memories of how the ambience of the school was, and how dirty were our classromms and that peculiar smell!!
I am sure, that there might have been many wonderful moments in my pre school years as well. but sadly, i can't remember the nicer ones...or there weren't any??who knows...!!;))

- Nupur

Remembering Diwali At School

In fact I firmly believe that each passing second whether holding sweet or bitter feeling add on to the pile of memorable moments. I would like to share something with you.

It was deewali season. In school we used to start celebrating deewali before a week (hiding our dangerous activities with the authority). I was famous as 'blunder queen'. everyone was busy burning crackers early in the morning (around 7:45). And i was insisting my friends to give me a cracker. But they all flatly refused. finally from somewhwere i had a hand on a cracker. I rolled a long paper and attached it to the open end of the thread and placed it outside the window (unknowingly near water pipe) and after burning it went to assembly. while we all were busy reciting the usual prayers suddenly something bursted and everyone was bewildered and aghast. after a small investigation the news broke that the water pipe near 10th H bursted because of a cracker. All my classmates knew no body else but it could only be because of Tanvi. my heart came to my mouth. Because of the fear of getting a good flog not even a single word was ready to be uttered. I was shuddering, i freezed, i got blank and what not was going on in my mind. But then when teachers asked my classmates to correctly report about the student whose mind was behind this "BLUNDER" luckily none of them spoke up. after things got settled down i took a sigh of relief. Afterwards when i tried to find out as to why no one complained about me i got to knew that one of my "gunda friend" at the stake of his bad reputation told everyone not to do so. A BAD GUY SAVED MY LIFE. Woaaaaaaahhhhhh......


Most Memorable Memory of School

A day in school, getting bored. Everyone was busy doing some work; the Economics teacher looking after the class. I tore a page from my notebook and asked my friend to make a plane for me. She handed it to me, I puffed in air, and flew it away. It landed into the next row. I wanted her to make me more, i tore more pages. She made planes; I flew them all over. One aim went heywaya, landing onto the teacher's desk. She raised her eyebrows, looked up and held the plane next to her face. She asked in a firm voice where it came from. When nobody answered, she saw me hiding my face into my arms. Raising her voice, she said, "yes Mrinalini, was that you who flew the plane?" Gently, I raised my giggling face, and stood up to say, "yes ma'am, I was flying planes. By mistake, this has landed on your table!" The entire class began laughing. She looked at others, "Silence please." I stood to say sorry.There was a smile on her face full of an unspoken anger. One of the most memorable incidents in my school life...

- Mrinalini

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thinking of my first school

My memories for the first school is a row of pegs where our aprons were hung. I like it because I could reach it on my own, it was at a height of two and a half feet. I recognized my peg by the colour of the tag on the peg. It was very gratifying to have your own space outside of home as people in the home were supposed look after the kids only and provide personal attention anyway. Therefore the "personal tenor" of the peg defined a victory over the impersonal in "formal" educational setting !!!!
This is my initiative to peg you down to share the beginnings of "childhood and schooling"
asha singh