Thursday, February 25, 2010

Most Memorable Memory of School

A day in school, getting bored. Everyone was busy doing some work; the Economics teacher looking after the class. I tore a page from my notebook and asked my friend to make a plane for me. She handed it to me, I puffed in air, and flew it away. It landed into the next row. I wanted her to make me more, i tore more pages. She made planes; I flew them all over. One aim went heywaya, landing onto the teacher's desk. She raised her eyebrows, looked up and held the plane next to her face. She asked in a firm voice where it came from. When nobody answered, she saw me hiding my face into my arms. Raising her voice, she said, "yes Mrinalini, was that you who flew the plane?" Gently, I raised my giggling face, and stood up to say, "yes ma'am, I was flying planes. By mistake, this has landed on your table!" The entire class began laughing. She looked at others, "Silence please." I stood to say sorry.There was a smile on her face full of an unspoken anger. One of the most memorable incidents in my school life...

- Mrinalini

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