Saturday, February 27, 2010


There's no first or second memory...I had a roller-coaster life at my school. I was and am in complete love with my school- Happy School. All who know often make fun of what kind of a name it is...but certainly it was in its name...I was HAPPY there. Something I remember of the earliest days at school is playing in the free-play ground with sand, swinging, sliding and running and all of it.

I especially remember how all of us would have to wear the white uniform we had, but the one's who had their birthdays were allowed to be dressed in the 'FANCY DRESS'(as it was always said). The birthday girl/boy became the center of attraction for everyone and during the free-play time.. I would run smiling after that special person throughout. The trend of not wearing uniforms ended soon- as in by class 4th. As a grown up I would watch the tiny tots doing the same...running all around after the birthday girl/boy during the free-play as if its a jewel bringing fancy and shine to yourself too...

having uniforms certainly create monotony and boredom but in another way it keeps the opportunity for variations open that bring about so much smile and HAPPY-ness..

- Ruchi

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