Thursday, February 25, 2010

My School Days i think of my first school, the first thing that strikes is the name "moon light public school".a peculiar name, which i still remeber made me feel awkward to specify, in my later schooling years.. Next, as i rush through my vague memories, i realize that i still remeber my teacher's face, probably because she loved me the most in the class(atleast i wish to believe that and be happy with it!!)
apart from this, the most important thing that can't be washed out of my memories is the following incident: it was the janmashtmi celebrations. and we all were made to dress as krishnajis and radhajis..ofcourse with appropriate gender tags..neway, and this boy named rahul, just happened to pull the already huge earings i had in my right my mum got them pierced at a very young age..This ruthless, irritating and havoc creating chap teased me and pulled the right earing down, leading to a severe cut, followed by heavy bleeding. i immediately rushed to my teacher and then parents were called and the other obvious things followed..Here, i would also like to mention that rahul's parents made him follow me, even to the elementary school, and we happened to be in the same class till 8th standard! All i can say is, my Life has given me many reasons to enjoy all the world's irritations!!
If asked today, i still have obscure memories of how the ambience of the school was, and how dirty were our classromms and that peculiar smell!!
I am sure, that there might have been many wonderful moments in my pre school years as well. but sadly, i can't remember the nicer ones...or there weren't any??who knows...!!;))

- Nupur

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