Thursday, February 25, 2010

Remembering Diwali At School

In fact I firmly believe that each passing second whether holding sweet or bitter feeling add on to the pile of memorable moments. I would like to share something with you.

It was deewali season. In school we used to start celebrating deewali before a week (hiding our dangerous activities with the authority). I was famous as 'blunder queen'. everyone was busy burning crackers early in the morning (around 7:45). And i was insisting my friends to give me a cracker. But they all flatly refused. finally from somewhwere i had a hand on a cracker. I rolled a long paper and attached it to the open end of the thread and placed it outside the window (unknowingly near water pipe) and after burning it went to assembly. while we all were busy reciting the usual prayers suddenly something bursted and everyone was bewildered and aghast. after a small investigation the news broke that the water pipe near 10th H bursted because of a cracker. All my classmates knew no body else but it could only be because of Tanvi. my heart came to my mouth. Because of the fear of getting a good flog not even a single word was ready to be uttered. I was shuddering, i freezed, i got blank and what not was going on in my mind. But then when teachers asked my classmates to correctly report about the student whose mind was behind this "BLUNDER" luckily none of them spoke up. after things got settled down i took a sigh of relief. Afterwards when i tried to find out as to why no one complained about me i got to knew that one of my "gunda friend" at the stake of his bad reputation told everyone not to do so. A BAD GUY SAVED MY LIFE. Woaaaaaaahhhhhh......


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